I’ve been playing concerts for as long as I can remember. As a professional, there’s a saying that you are only as good as your last concert. It also serves as a reminder (at least to me) that every time you perform your career is actually on the line. Because word will get out if it’s a disaster….!
Now, this isn’t as scary as it might seem. Because that why we, as performers, practise. Or at least, that’s why I do. I practise to get it right. And it it’s not right, then it’s nearly right. And if it’s not right, I can recover as quickly as I can.
Last weekend I was playing two solo concerts. Here’s what interested me….. It’s just me, so there’s no other player to draw energy from, or respond to. It’s just my sound going to everyone’s ears – and possibly, my mistakes. But then, I can control everything. I’d played everything before, at some point. I’d done lots of practise. The concert wasn’t to loads of people. It was in a very kind acoustic. And you know what? I was NERVOUS on the day. I was edgy. Butterflies were in my tummy all day.
I said to (long-suffering-husband) Ben, “You’d think, by now, after all these times, all these performances, I’d be used to this, wouldn’t you?”
But it seems, no. It shows me it matters. It matters to me a great deal. Maybe I should be more worried when those feelings stop. Maybe then it doesn’t matter any more….