[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s the New Year. A time to reflect on what I did last year (good grief! Was it really that much?), and to have a think about what 2017 might be like. For those of you that know me, I love a good list. I’ll make a list about anything – jobs to do on a particular day, things I’d like to teach, movies I want to watch, as many famous Finnish people as I can think of….
So I thought I’d make a list of things I’d like to make happen in 2017. In no particular order. Who knows if they will happen….
- Learn Bach’s sixth cello suite. I haven’t really done this properly. Ever. It’s really hard.
- Garden more. I love being able to stick my hands in the dirt. I don’t do it enough.
- Stop getting angry about the state of music education in this country to the point that it makes me cry.
- Be able to do urdhva dhanurasana in a yoga class. (It’s ‘wheel’ pose for those of you who don’t know your sanskrit.) Also I need to stop shirking backbends…
- Fly in a helicopter. Just once.
- Laugh more and worry less.
- Go to England to see old friends and my family over there and eat lots of Lion Bars, Topic Bars and Revels that haven’t spent ages in shipping containers.
- Be able to stop a bit more. I am terrible at this. As in NOT work, or practise, or send emails.
And that’s it, I think. There’s probably other things. I could hope for world peace, I guess, but I think it’s going to need more that me working on that to fix things. I’ll just stick to music teaching. And I’d like the government to be a bit more responsible, honest and human-like – but I don’t think that’s going to happen. I’ll just stick to my 8 things….
Here goes….[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]