Running in circles.

Someone once said to me that if I taught adults, then I should also be learning something too. So that when I challenged them, or took them out of their comfort zone, I knew exactly what it was like. It’s incredibly good advice, you know.

Over a year ago I was diagnosed with high eye pressure. Who even knew that was a thing, right? But I had it. Most likely down to stress. (It’s nearly always stress, isn’t it?) And I needed to lower it, otherwise I would lose my sight, slowly. Alarm bells rang. Some re-thinking happened.

It was the end of me doing headstands for a while. Sad. I love turning myself upside-down. (Don’t knock it till you try it…) I went onto Google, and did LOADS of reading. And one of the best ways I could reduce eye pressure, along with less stress in general, was to run.

Now, I am NOT a runner. I am not sporty. I hated sport at school, and did everything I could to get out of it. Everything trick in the book possible. But I knew I had to do something. I didn’t want to go on medication until the end of time. So I learned to run. I followed a free running program brought out by the NHS in England called ‘Couch to 5K’, and I followed it. It took me twice as long as it said. But by the end of 18 weeks, I ran 5K.

I learned how to run. How to keep going. What to do when I felt awful. How to not worry about running fast. How to pace myself. I learned – just like my adult students. I was frustrated at times. I ran not-so-well. I ran better some days. I didn’t look glamerous. But I did it.

And then a friend (who is a runner) convinced me I should run 10K with him. And I’d had too many wines, and so agreed. So I followed another training plan – this one harder. And again, I learned. I learned about interval training. I learned how to deal with humidity, and wind. I learned about what I could do, even when I thought perhaps I couldn’t.

Last weekend, I ran 10K with this friend. He encouraged me every step. Literally every step. For those who know Sydney, we ran over the harbour bridge. And through Barangaroo. And wound up at Hyde Park, and then finished at the Opera House. It was amazing. In one big sort-of-circle.

So, my adult students, I know what you go through. I admire you. I think what you do is incredible.

And yes, my eye pressure is back to normal. I did it. No meds. And a gold star from the optom!